FLC is a Japanese group founded on May 1996 to
support children
with rare chromosomal abnormalities and their families.
FLC's activities are based on the following three principles:
1) highest priority is given to the benefits of children with
rare chromosomal abnormalities and their families
2) taking no specific religious views
3) supporting no specific political stances
FLC's activities are:
1) exchanging information among member families by means of
quarterly newsletters and "an exchange notebook" through
2) gathering information concerning possible solutions for problems
faced by children with rare chromosomal abnormalities and
their families, and providing the information to the interested
3) endeavoring to call public attentions to the needs of children
rare chromosomal abnormalities and their families
Children with rare chromosomal abnormalities and their families
are likely to face common problems concerning medical care, welfare,
education, employment, as well as various mental stresses and frustrations.
FLC tries to make progress to solve problems by cooperating with
each other.
Although FLC has consisted of Japanese people, any person with
same problem or interests is strongly encouraged to join the FLC.
FLC eagerly seeks persons with expertise in care of children with
rare chromosomal abnormalities.
Any interested parties are welcome to contact FLC through E-mail
or mail.
FLC will send you newsletters and other publications
(written in Japanese) regularly. |